I recommend visiting - Sicily, Italy
After my research trip to Sicily, I found it incredibly difficult to pick just one favorite new place, as Sicily has so much to offer. But, if I had to narrow it down to one area, I would say the Baroque cities in south-eastern Sicily would be it. Ragusa, Syracuse and Noto offer so much natural beauty, as well as impressive architecture largely rebuilt after they were destroyed by a 1693 earthquake.
My perfect day would be waking up in Ragusa, then heading out early to Noto to enjoy a coffee stop and a stroll through this perfectly white marbled town. From there I’d head to a winery for a wine tasting of local south coast Sicilian wines including the famous Nero D’Avola. Afterwards, I’d have lunch at a café in the seaside village of Marzamemi watching the fishing boats bobbing up and down in the water. The final stop would be Syracuse. I’d have a wander through the old town of Ortigia before settling down in a café opposite the Cathedral, once a 5th-century BC Greek temple, with my evening spritz.