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Ndutu Lodge

Ndutu Lodge

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Ndutu Lodge is set in acacia woodland overlooking the seasonal Lake Ndutu. The focus is not on frills, but on the wildlife experience and the lodge certainly has a certain 'bush' atmosphere.

The rooms are homely stone chalets, unfussy and very comfortable and there are 34 bungalows in total. They have polished stone floors, soft African prints on the walls and simple en suite bathrooms with piping hot showers. Each has a small veranda with lovely views of the lake.

The central dining area and bar is open-sided stone and thatch. Tea and coffee are always available and many guests sit chatting in the deep wicker chairs, or outside around the fire. Meals at Ndutu are legendary, with all the fresh ingredients coming straight from Gibbs Farm, and often continue late into the night. The dining room is also visited by genets at dinner — they come to run along the rafters and look for scraps of food.

Perhaps most importantly, Ndutu has the prime position in the Serengeti for the calving and rearing of the millions of wildebeest. From December to May the lodge is surrounded by millions of wildebeest and their following predators and game viewing is unsurpassable.


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Audley Travel specialist Pete

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Tour ideas in Serengeti National Park

Our itineraries are there to spark ideas for how you could include a stay at Ndutu Lodge as part of your trip. Treat them simply as suggestions, because every aspect of the trip we create for you will be yours to define.

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    Alternative places to stay nearby

    Where possible, we like to offer a range of accommodation for each stop of your trip, chosen by our specialists as some of their favourite places to stay. To help you make the right choice, we give each property a rating based on its facilities and service, but we also look for hotels with distinct character or a location that can’t be bettered.

    Experiences while staying here

    The following activities are designed to give you the most authentic experiences of the area where you’re staying. We work with local guides, who use their knowledge and often a resident’s eye to show you the main sights and more out-of-the-way attractions. Our specialists can also suggest outdoor pursuits and activities, such as cooking classes, that will introduce you to the traditions of the area’s inhabitants.

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      See the Great Migration

      See the Great Migration

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    • Serengeti Balloon Safari
      Serengeti hot-air balloon safari

      Serengeti Balloon Safari

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