I first traveled to Australia for an exchange semester in Melbourne. By the end of the semester, I didn’t feel ready to leave and ended up extending my stay to explore even more of the country. Throughout my time abroad, I’ve snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef, stayed up late to watch the baby penguins come ashore on Philip Island, hiked through the Grampians alongside a troop of kangaroos, and even learned to somewhat like Vegemite.
I’ve always enjoyed discovering and immersing myself in new places, choosing to attend university abroad in Canada and Australia. During my studies in Australia, culture, and art alongside my adventures, I gained a great love for the country and all the wonders within it. Since graduation, I’ve been working as an Australia specialist, hoping to share that love with others traveling there.
Q&A with Kate

What’s the one thing you always pack?
I always make sure to pack a camera that’s not my phone. When I went on a road trip through New Zealand’s South Island, I captured so many photos of the landscape and my companions. I couldn’t develop the photos until a few months later, but being able to see all those photos for the first time was an amazing way to relive the whole experience. Not being connected to the internet also allowed me to truly embrace the nature and experience of being in New Zealand.

What’s your most vivid travel moment?
Flying high above the Great Barrier Reef in a helicopter, I felt for the first time an understanding of its vastness and all the life it supported. I’d never seen water so blue or clear. An hour before, I’d been deep within those same waters, snorkeling next to the pink coral and fish of all colors. I couldn’t see the shoreline of Cairns, making me feel truly immersed in the magic of the reef.

Where would you love to travel next?
I’ve always loved the ocean and wanted to travel around Europe, so Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast has been on my bucket list for a long time. Plus, as a Game of Thrones fan and history nerd, seeing all the architecture and sites there would be a dream come true for me.